Data-Driven Decision Support System

Designing Search Platform UX and Enhancing Work Efficiency

Designing Search Platform UX and Enhancing Work Efficiency


DSS is a process data query platform for the semiconductor industry, designed to help engineers quickly and easily check process statuses and determine necessary actions.


Jun - Oct 2023


1 Product Owner
2 Application Engineer
1 UX researcher


UX research
End-to-end design

Future vision development
Cross-team collaboration


As semiconductor manufacturing processes generated increasingly large volumes of data, the need grew for systems that could efficiently analyze this data and support decision-making processes.

However, the existing system suffered from excessive data fragmentation, leading to prolonged analysis times for identifying alert root causes. This significantly reduced security personnel's operational efficiency and hindered rapid decision-making.

In response, we developed a Data Security Solution (DSS) that provides intuitive dashboards and actionable insights through integrated data and real-time analysis capabilities.


It was a key project aimed at strengthening Synopsys' market competitiveness, expanding its customer base, and enhancing profitability by developing software that reduces repetitive issues in semiconductor manufacturing processes and minimizes analysis time. Even a mere 1% improvement could result in cost savings worth hundreds of billions of won annually.


The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

The primary responsibility of the target user for this project, the Process Engineer, is to receive reports on issues occurring within their assigned processes and resolve them.
However, the same type of issues were repeatedly occurring, leading to an inefficient situation where they had to respond in the same way each time.

How can we support users in finding the necessary data quickly and accurately?
Enhancing efficient data exploration through search and customized user filters

Personalized Search Suggestions

Engineering 팀과 협력하여 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 반도체 데이터 검색 엔진을 개발하여, 사용자가 필요한 데이터를 빠르고 정확하게 찾을 수 있도록 지원했습니다.

사용자가 검색어를 입력하면, 매칭되는 추천 키워드나 모델이 식별됩니다. 이 항목들은 사용자의 최근 검색 기록과 활동 데이터를 바탕으로 평가되어 가장 높은 점수 순으로 제공됩니다.

Custom User Filter

검색과 함께 제공되는 사용자 맞춤형 필터는 사용자가 입력한 검색어와 일치하는 키워드나 관련성이 높은 점수를 가진 모델 ID를 자동으로 추가하여 사용자가 원하는 데이터를 더욱 정확히 찾을 수 있도록 지원합니다.

사용자의 검색어와 일치하는 데이터 타입은 자동으로 필터에 추가됩니다. 기본적으로 가장 높은 유사도 점수를 가진 항목들이 선택되어 사용자에게 제공됩니다.

How can we enable fast and accurate search in integrated process data?
Provide related data that needs to be checked together as a single package.

Differentiate Screens by Data Type

In collaboration with the Product Owner team, I established data classification criteria and designed the interface to clearly organize data with high relevance into separate tabs.

Visualization Based on Fab Data Correlation

I have visualized and reconstructed to show the flow based on the relationships between the data.

How can we enable fast and accurate search in integrated process data?
Display Alarm Resolution History

Providing alarm history for repetitive issue

The system is designed to provide a history of similar cases (including resolutions, priorities, and comments) when an alert occurs, enabling swift problem resolution and thorough root cause analysis.


How can we enable fast and accurate search in integrated process data?

리뷰가 필요한 알람 감소
리뷰가 필요한 알람 감소

알람 히스토리 페이지의 제공으로 리뷰 전 알람의 진성/가성이 가능해짐

알람 히스토리 페이지의 제공으로 리뷰 전 알람의 진성/가성이 가능해짐

Production time 최대 2시간 단축
Production time 최대 2시간 단축

알람 리뷰 시간이 개당 10~15분
Production time 최대 2시간 단축

알람 리뷰 시간이 개당 10~15분
Production time 최대 2시간 단축

약 20만 달러 수익 발생
약 20만 달러 수익 발생

NXP, Qurvo 등 다수 반도체 기업에 도입

NXP, Qurvo 등 다수 반도체 기업에 도입


As semiconductor manufacturing processes generated increasingly large volumes of data, the need grew for systems that could efficiently analyze this data and support decision-making processes.

However, the existing system suffered from excessive data fragmentation, leading to prolonged analysis times for identifying alert root causes. This significantly reduced security personnel's operational efficiency and hindered rapid decision-making.

In response, we developed a Data Security Solution (DSS) that provides intuitive dashboards and actionable insights through integrated data and real-time analysis capabilities.


It was a key project aimed at strengthening Synopsys' market competitiveness, expanding its customer base, and enhancing profitability by developing software that reduces repetitive issues in semiconductor manufacturing processes and minimizes analysis time. Even a mere 1% improvement could result in cost savings worth hundreds of billions of won annually.